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Showing posts from November, 2020

How wonderful life is with YA'LL in the world

In the season of Thanksgiving, simply saying “thank you” never seems to be sufficient a phrase in exchange for all of the love, generosity, and support Ben and I have been shown throughout our adoption journey. So many of you have opened your hearts, your businesses, your calendars, and your pocketbooks in order to help us grow our family. Not a single person has been overlooked and it has taken every single one of you to get us to where we are now.  As I reflect over the past 4 months of fundraising, grant writing, applications, and background checks I am simply in awe of God’s faithfulness to us. He has placed so many incredible individuals along our path, and presented us with countless opportunities to connect with people, share His love, and raise money to one day bring our precious baby home.  As we enter the final stages of processing our paperwork to become “active,” we feel so grateful for everyone who has helped us thus far, and for the doors we know God will open that we jus